Welcome to the San Diego Epiphyllum Society (SDES) Web page.

SDES has been serving the community of epiphyllum gardeners for over 50 years.

We are located in San Diego county. However we are composed of an international group of hobbyists who enjoy growing and helping others grow what is commonly known as epiphyllums (epies or epi hybrids).  

We gather together to share our love and knowledge cultivating epies. Like more information? Email us

Some things we sponsor or participate in annually

We participate in local Garden shows

We actively support numerous San Diego area garden shows.

during these shows we sell plants and cutting. Besides providing information on epis to fellow gardeners.  

Sponsor a Mother's Day Epiphyllum Hybrid (epi) Flower show in Balboa Park

One of the largest epiphyllum hybrid (epi) flower shows in the country. The Mother's Day show offers an opportunity for people to strolls through epi flower displays viewing a large variety of epi blooms. Epis blooms come in a variety of colors with sizes ranging from less than 2" to over 9" in width of their blooms.

Sponsor an epiphyllum hybrid plan and cutting sale on Mother's Day weekend followed by an online internet sale.

Balboa Park sale is conducted from Saturday morning through Sunday afternoon. Sale contains a wonderful variety of epiphyllums cutting and potted plants. Potted plants range from 4” to 1gal and once in a while even larger.

What we Do

Covid-19 temporary crimp in our style but with Casa de Prado opening again we are fully back.

We hold a monthly business meeting on the second Wednesday of the month except for the month of December. In December we hold our Holiday Dinner.  

The business meetings starts at 7:30pm and is sometimes preceded at 7:00pm by a workshop that provide information on the growing and maintaining of epi hybrids. (email president@sdepis.org to confirm if a workshop is scheduled)

The business meeting included about 15 minutes of business and then a presentation on a subject deemed of interest to our members. Subjects of these presentations have included photography of plants, gardening, hybridizing, etc.

Visitors are always welcome for either or both of these events.

We continue to help maintain the San Diego Safari Park 'Epiphyllum Trail' display. It is one of the largest public displays of Epiphyllums in the world. 

What are epi Hybrids

Epi hybrids have been created through the hybridization of epiphytic cactus species such as Disocactus and Selenicereus. There are both day blooming and night blooming species. Most of the night blooming species have white flowers.

Epi hybrids are truly the gems of the cactus world producing utterly stunning blooms. 

Choosing a single epi hybrid is difficult! Most of us have a number of them and the longer you are around them the more you seem to collect.

Epi hybrid blooms are single colored or multi colored.   Common colors are purples, pinks, oranges, reds, yellows and whites or a combination. 

Epi hybrids can be grown in small or large containers, as hanging plants or in pots on the ground. The plants do not like direct sun and require filtered light. Which is most easily accomplished by hanging or placing them on shelves under patio covers, in trees, under shade cloth, or in a lathe house.

Epiphyllum plants are new world plants normally inhabiting costal rain forest. Which means they like to be moist but not wet. They do best in temperatures between 45 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They will tolerate lower and higher temperatures if cared for properly. They will even tolerate low temperatures in the high 20’s to low 30’s for a short period of time.  However you are stressing them severely and it is best not to expose them to any freezing temperatures.

other epiphytic Cacti

Epiphyllum hybrids are the focus of this website. Realizing there is extensive interest amount our members and others we provide links when they are deemed to contain valuable information to our members.

Cacti Guide -  Endeavors to provide a catalog of the different species including detailed photos to assist in identification of a particular species where possible.

Message from our president

David Cheever

Thank you for checking out our website. We are endeavoring to make it a treasure trove of information for everyone, both members and non-members. Membership is less than a quick stop at a fast-food location and provides you with invaluable information, enriching your knowledge and skills in growing and caring for plants.

While we openly share basic information on growing and caring for your epiphyllum hybrids, the members-only area provides even more information. The bloom Catalog (Sample here) offers photographs of around 500 different epi hybrids and detailed information on care and propagation.

We invite you to attend our meetings, which are held at 7:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of every month except December at the Casa del Prado.

If you have any questions, please email me.  Click here to for meeting directions.


Advantages of Membership

You don’t have to be in San Diego to be a part of SDES. While most of SDES members are in Southern California, the society has members  all over the world. Membership opens the door more detailed information on growing epis allowing you to expand your knowledge and enjoyment of these truly unique plants.

Some Membership Benefits:

All members

  • Receive the monthly newsletter “EpiNews”. The Newsletter features photographs of epiphyllum blooms, articles of interest to epiphyllum and related epiphytic cacti gardeners, gardening tips, book reviews, upcoming Society events, and much more.
  • You must have access to the "Members Only" area of the SDES website. This area contains both current-month and previous-month newsletters and other material of interest to epiphyllum gardeners.
  • Receive discounts to some society-sponsored events, such as the Photo Caravan, the Holiday Installation Banquet, and the Plant and Cutting Sales.
  • During our Mother's Day sale, we accept requests for cuttings from members who cannot attend the event.

Local Members

  • Have access to our lending library, where they can check out various interesting books and magazines.

Membership Pricing & Store

Yearly Single Membership



Single membership offers discounts for the member.

Those discounts to not apply to a non-member spouse (therefore this is not recommended if you have a spouse)

Yearly Dual Membership



If you are part of a couple this is the best deal.

Some events are subsidized by SDES but that subsidy only applies to actual members.

Purchase Members Name Badge

Often epiphyllum organizations often use name badges as a membership card.  We do not.

However having one will often allow you entrance at other society's events at their members cost.

Magnetic Back


Safety Pin Back


Several photographers have allowed their photographs to be used on this website. Our thanks go out to; Gilbert & Gail Hatfield, Svante Lundqvist, Don Crain, Jerry Moreau, Roger Chapin, Galen Pittman, Marie Elmquist, Jim Nones, Frank Supplie, Douglas Hillman, Chuck Everson, Linda Sinkovic, Eddie Huey, Janice Wakefield, Patricia Neal, Gerry and Mildred Mikas, Jeffery Hindershot, ESA and others for helping make this site what it is.